
Issue with Permata Virtual Account

Closed this issue · 8 comments

Hi i already use SDK for Java
Why when im using for Permata Bank Account
always return 408 when call api from my source code..

this is sample input :
{"customer_details":{"first_name":"","last_name":"","email":"","phoneNumber":""},"payment_type":"permata","custom_expiry":{"order_time":"2021-09-30 20:55:46 +0700","expiry_duration":"1","unit":"hour"},"transaction_details":{"order_id":"XXXXXXX21094510121276159334997000002","gross_amount":"950000"}}

can u explain what to do?

Hi @aganrian Thank you for reaching out to us

Does this happen on Production or Sandbox?

Thank you

hi @Xaxxis this happen in sandbox... im using SDK java. and my project write in JAVA Spring Boot.
any issue with utf-8 or body or not.. but when im using postman that sample input work perfectly..
im confused with that

Hi @aganrian in specific payment channels. our server can't parse charset=utf8, We already info our team for this one. I Will hotfix the library and get back to you with an update.

Thank you

Hi @Xaxxis oke thx u. for support. i will waiting for updates

Hi @aganrian the fix was released ya, please kindly update your library using the latest version v3.1.2

Thank You

hi broo okee thx u.. for support @Xaxxis

hi @Xaxxis i already using version 3.1.2 but same error with permata account
please see my attachement log

i also check APIHTTPClient.class
have changes with update 3.1.2

hi @Xaxxis this case was solved i'm already changes manually. thx u bro