
Speed Test Issues / Errors Running SpeedTest In Docker

Closed this issue · 9 comments

This is being ran as part of the Internet-Pi .. but definatly seems to be an issue with the SpeedTest... or possibly something else. Here is what I've posted on that repo:

I've been troubleshooting why my speed test has been coming up so spotty and inaccurate. I have been pulling 650 to 950 on the regular speedtest on my laptop.

Once first started it will hit 800 Mbps(ish).. then drops rappidly....

Running: sudo docker exec -it internet-monitoring_speedtest_1 speedtest -v

Speedtest by Ookla

[warning] Receive error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)
[error] Error: [0] Cannot read:
[warning] Write error: 32 (Broken pipe)
[warning] Receive error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)
[warning] Timeout occurred in connect.
[error] Error: [0] Cannot open socket

Latency:     7.34 ms   (2.24 ms jitter)

Download: 648.97 Mbps [\ ] 0%

After It has finished:

Speedtest by Ookla

Latency:     6.20 ms   (1.98 ms jitter)

[warning] Receive error: 11 (Resource temporarily unavailable)
[warning] Receive error: 11 (Resource temporarily unavailable)
[warning] Receive error: 11 (Resource temporarily unavailable)
[warning] Receive error: 11 (Resource temporarily unavailable)
[warning] Receive error: 11 (Resource temporarily unavailable)
Download: FAILED
[error] Cannot read:

I've tried running.. but this didn't seem to work.
docker run -d --network host --name speedtest-exporter miguelndecarvalho/speedtest-exporter:v3.1

** FYI I removed the Server Info / Location above **

Also to note.. off of a laptop (WIFI 6 not Ethernet like the Pi) I'm getting 931 / 61.... directly from the router I'm getting 917 / 62.

Any help is greatly appreciated.


Is it possible for you to test with the latest version please? 3.4.0


Sorry for the late reply. I have tried this with both:

docker run -d --network host --name speedtest-exporter miguelndecarvalho/speedtest-exporter:v3.4.0


docker run -d --network host --name speedtest-exporter miguelndecarvalho/speedtest-exporter:latest

Same results.

I'm going to try to set this up on a different switch and see if I get the same results.... Even possibly switch out PIs to rule out hardware / network.


No problem, why are you running the container with host network? Try with the a different switch if you can please.


Tried it on another switch... same quick drop in speed and errors. This is my first time using containers... I guess I found this to work.. I've tried with how the Internet Monitoring Pi Project runs it direct as well with the same results. I also now have tried it without the host network switch... and still results.

I've been testing using this: sudo docker exec -it internet-monitoring_speedtest_1 speedtest -v

It seems like something is throttling and killing the connection as it will start at the 300 to 400s and go down to 0 quickly.

I'm going to try to bypass my router (which I've verified QOS and other monitoring is off on), as well as trying a different pi.

Cleared the static IP of the PI and ran it direct from my Cable Modem... works just fine. Plugged it in and tested without the static IP.. .also works. I'm wondering if during my initial setup with the Internet Monitoring that utilizes the speed test.. if something is making it so docker is using the same ip??? Just getting into Docker so if you have any ideas let me know. Thank you again for all of the help.

So testing with different static IPs I get the error.. using dynamic... it works fine.

I ended up leaving the pi to pull DHCP from the router... and set the router to assign the IP. Its working now. Seems like a bug when the PI has a static IP set in the GUI.


Sorry for late response but that's good to know that it is working fine now! I will close the issue, but feel free to reopen if needed!
