
Make script installable as a Windows Service

Opened this issue · 2 comments

It would nice to make this script running as windows service.

I don't know if this is still applicable nowdays, as this blog post is quite old.

Seems that does not need much to be added. But I might be wrong also.



@stavros-k sorry for the late response, I don't understand anything about Windows, isn't it possible for you to use the Docker image? It should work out of the box.



@stavros-k sorry for the late response, I don't understand anything about Windows, isn't it possible for you to use the Docker image? It should work out of the box.

Thanks, MiguelNdeCarvalho

It's possible to run docker on windows yes.
But that means it will create a virtualization layer with Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) which will consume at least 2gb ram.

Resources being one of the problems, and the second is that it becomes even harder to mass deploy it to multiple computers (~500, which is my intention).

Even releasing an executable, would be nice. (Which might be far easier than "servicifying" it.) As that would remove the requirement of installing python and it's dependencies!

Then windows users can use software like (nssm)[https://nssm.cc/] or (winsw)[https://github.com/winsw/winsw] to make it a service.

Thanks for taking the time to reply!