EctoShorts.Action.Error.create_error/3 is undefined
WindDrifter opened this issue · 2 comments
WindDrifter commented
Got this error when I tried to run find with an id doesn't exist:
(UndefinedFunctionError) function EctoShorts.Action.Error.create_error/3 is undefined (module EctoShorts.Action.Error is not available)
Recreation steps:
EctoShorts.Actions.find(User, %{id: removed_id})
WindDrifter commented
Forgot to mention is ecto_shorts version 0.1.7
WindDrifter commented
Issue solve, have to ensure config/config.exs error_module is EctoShorts.Actions.Errors
config :ecto_shorts,
repo: App.Repo,
error_module: EctoShorts.Actions.Error