

Closed this issue · 2 comments

The example has this:
searchRequest.ParameterGroup.AddParameter(new QueryParameter("matrix_unique_id", "0+"));

So how would I get these as QueryParameters?:

AND ModificationTimestamp >= new_filter_time

Sorry for all the issues I am having. If you help me get this working I will find a way to pay you for the help. I have 9 days to replace ezRETS with this. I am desperate and not nearly as good of a programmer as whoever created this.


I did some patch work to this project and will help you if I can. I am located in Durham, NC on Eastern Standard Time. I am at gdavis@zbestdata.com


Thanks Graham the example console application you posted here:


worked for me after updating the target framework to .NET Core 3.1 and changing RetsClient.cs to have this query.Add("Query", request.ParameterGroup.ToString());. So thank you very much!

To answer my own questions and close the issue I posted above this is how you query for all listings within 5 cities:

searchRequest.ParameterGroup.AddParameter(new QueryParameter("City", "CHIC,BUTV,DURH,COHA,RCHV,FORA"));

and this is how you can search for modified listings greater than a date/time:

searchRequest.ParameterGroup.AddParameter(new QueryParameter("ModificationTimestamp", new_filter_time + "+"));