
Oh-heck command not working after unzipping

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Faced this error while installing oh-heck. The command oh-heck would yield an error message saying

zsh: permission denied: oh-heck

Turns out, when I ran sudo unzip ~/Downloads/oh-heck.zip -d /usr/local/bin it created directory /usr/local/bin/oh-heck/dist and /usr/local/bin/oh-heck/oh-heck. The commands started working after manually moving /usr/local/bin/oh-heck/oh-heck to the directory above.

Any idea on reasons why this would have happened? :/

@meghanabhange Sound like one of the distributables isn't compiled correctly. Which one did you download?

@meghanabhange I found this issue with the Darwin arm64 binary. I've fixed it now and it should work. Thanks for bringing this to my attention. I'll close the issue for now but if it's not fixed from your side, let me know.