
Files rejected with tracks in different order

Opened this issue · 4 comments

Dear Mike,

Whenever I try to use the application and select a larger batch then 5 .mkv files, I get this error. I tried comparing their differences, but the containers are the same, anything I could do to help you debug this?

Hey could you show me the output of the command mkvinfo run with both one accepted file and one rejected mkv file? Mkvinfo is a tool that comes with MkvToolNix, if you install it and go to the install location in program files on Windows, mkvinfo.exe is next to it.
If you have trouble with that (I don't know how technical you are), you can also run MkvToolNix Gui and go to the "Info tool" tab and show me both a screenshot of a approved and rejected file.

Also, you are free to strip away any file names or paths, I don't really need them to debug. Just the track elements and languages of both files is plenty info.

Dear Mike,

I found the culprit, some of the .mkv's had their subtitles switched a tiny bit (they all have 20~ subtitles), e.g. track subtitle 17 was switched with 18 for a few .mkv's.

That said, MkvDefaultTrackChanger doesn't like it when that happens due to not being able to process those files when they are not completely the same. I solved this by noting down which files were mentioned in the error and applying the batch modification on them as well. Took 2-3 tries per folder of 25~ .mkv's, but it works. The program automatically selects the format of the first .mkv it gets and still changes the other .mkv's that are similar.

Initially, I claimed the error existed when 5 or more files were selected, but the same error happened when only 2 files were selected that differed ever so slightly.

A theoretical solution would be to group these .mkv's and check if they have the "new" default language/audio as well, and apply that with a new index due to the "misalignment".

Could you confirm if that's the case and if the behaviour is expected, I already modified all my files and deleted the original .mkv's. I can still get them if you really want to see the results.

Ohh I see thanks for figuring it out. Maybe I'll fix it if enough people have this problem, to me it seems like not many people will encounter this. Also, solving the misalignment issue can become pretty complicated.

In the meantime, I'll improve the error message because it's very vague now.

I have the same issue. This is (obviously) solved by deselecting the culprit files or changing the track, file by file, defeating the batch capability of the program. From my point of view, it looks like it's changing the track by its position not by language name (tag?).
Anyway, thanks, this is still a very useful application!