
Gatling load tests

Primary LanguageScala



Gatling is a Scala based open-source load test tool, that makes a break from traditional load-tools by utilising asynchronous concurrency and IO, and by using a major language (Scala) for its scripting.

SBT is a build tool that has become the de-facto build tool for Scala projects.



$ wget "https://dl.bintray.com/sbt/rpm/sbt-0.13.6.rpm"
$ sudo yum install -y "sbt-0.13.6.rpm"

Test Resources

$ git clone git@github.com:BBC/gatling-load-tests.git


$ cd gatling-load-tests
$ sbt
> testOnly *SampleTest*

Real-time metrics (Optional)

Install Graphite

There is an install graphite bash script in support/scripts

sh install-graphite.sh

Configure Gatling and Graphite

data {
  writers = "console, file, graphite"
  reader = file

  graphite {
    host = "localhost"
    port = 2003


Use netcat to listen on port 2003 which can be piped into the print_metrics.py to parse the Graphite results.

$ nc -l 2003 | python support/scripts/print_metrics.py