
How can I aling the widget in the main screen?

Closed this issue · 10 comments

How can I align the widget on the main screen? I need to put a widget in the center, but I do not know how. And the same with the submenus, I need the submenus to be centered.

Skin settings / Main Menu / (for a few settings your probably wanting.) Then continue on to that top option called setup main menu and pick the item then the widget. Continue thru the process and your done. (Compact panel is pretty centered)

I only have 2 widgets, and they appear in the left side. It is not short enough to center the 2 widgets.

And it happens the same with the submenus.

I would like to have everything centered or choose the alignment.

Thanks for all.

I started using a system of 3 because it works best for the skin. Since it is the only good skin for kodi i'll compromise lol. Kind of easy too when you see those 1, 3, 5 options

Also i think if you use comact for that widget screenshot you will be happier

I have not understood you well. Could you tell me how to center widgets and submenus ???

I am Spanish, and I do not know what it means "comact", Can you tell me what it is??

Thanks for all.

How can I align the widget on the main screen? I need to put a widget in the center, but I do not know how. And the same with the submenus, I need the submenus to be centered.

Already told you lol, use 1, 3, or 5 items to get center and in some cases *change style type.

*Id also suggest reddit for these kinda 'issues' because github issues are meant to be for much different reasons ;)

This is not a problem, but request for help. I have posted in the forums like 3 times over past few months and never received a reply. I need to change the buffered portion color on the progress bar. There is a setting in the skin to change the played portion, but not the buffered portion. I have tried to find it in the 16x9 files with no success, Tried using the texture tool, but not sure what files it would be if it is using something in there, any help would be so much appreciated.