Rename binary and data files to spek-x ?
Opened this issue · 4 comments
Now that spek is back would be nice to rename binary, locale files, manpage, desktop file, icons to spek-x ?
I'm mainly focusing on builds for Windows and macOS, especially arm64 native builds.
They are single-file excutables, so I don't think it could be a big problem.
Since the most important change alexkay/spek@b956c1f has been merged to Spek, for Linux users, there isn't much of a difference between the two from now.
I'll keep the issue open at a low priority~
OK, then I'll remove the spek-x packages from my debian repository after the bullseye release.
Glad to see Spek is back, I'm planning to PR some useful features back to Spek. After that, Spek-X's mission is completed so the packages are no longer needed.
Thanks for your efforts, dmo!
You're welcome.