
Prevent tainting the right click menu

Opened this issue · 3 comments

As of now the optioons are tainting the Dropdown menus of the game.
Do like raider io and add another part of the dorpdown anchored to it to prevent unexpected errors like #15 or probably #9

Hi, this is a big problem for me, as guild management is impossible with FriendGroups enabled.

This breaks right click name (wnywhere, chat, friends list, who window, etc) -> copy character name too. Only way to do it is to disable the addon.

Would attaching a taintlog help debug all the places that are adding taint?

Is there an easy way to disable the custom dropdown menu by commenting out some hooks in the meantime until a fix is found? That way users could still use the addon in a read-only way (no changing options in drop down menu) without breaking other parts of the Blizzard UI.