
Integration with Chocolatey package manager

Opened this issue · 1 comments

First of a huge thank you for creating and maintaining AlephNote. I think is great and the closest I can get to my good-old-days favourite on MacOSX nvAlt. I cannot tell you how much time I spent looking for something similar until I found AlephNote.
Massive props to you sir!

I would like to suggest an integration with Chocolatey https://chocolatey.org/
I know AlephNote already has an auto-update mechanism (which actually prompted me to create this request), but from my point of view I always find updating each application on Windows a little bit tedious.
I much prefer to update everything in a bulk from the command line like

choco update -y all

Additional benefit would be that one can install it on new system as part of a bundle.

yeah that would be nice, I'm even using choco personally so I should also get something out of it.



  • Silent installer for choco (only output to commandline)
  • Set config flag from choco installer to disable auto updater (and show warning when trying to manually auto-update)
  • Script to update choco package
  • Default install location (choco configurable !)?, perhaps under C:\Programs ?