
Can't sync to Standard Notes

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For a little while now, it is not possible to sync to Standard Notes anymore.
Here is the error message: https://markuphero.com/share/KLJhKm3PCMjzJpN4vrE5
Just wanted to let you know.
Thanks and regards

Just waiting for @Mikescher to implement the new 004 encryption method to Standard Notes plugin.

Just found out that there is a pre-release version 1.7.1, please try that.

If you are trying out the 1.7.1 version, can you tell me if everything works correctly?

I'll probably release the 1.7.1 version for the public this evening - I've been using it now for a few days without problems but it would be nice to have a bit of extra confirmation :D

Hi Mike,
I'll happily test the 1.7.1. Where can I download it? I only find the current 1.6.something.

Hi Mike,
I'll happily test the 1.7.1. Where can I download it? I only find the current 1.6.something.

You can either download and update it manually from the releases page. But I would recommend to do it directly in AlephNote:

You (temporarily) enable beta updates in AlephNote (Edit -> Settings -> Advanced -> "Use prerelease update channel"), then got to Help -> Check for updates and install 1.7.1
I would disable the beta-release channel afterwards, otherwise you will get potentially unstable builds in the future.

I did that and it updated to 1.7.1.
But there is still a problem...here is the errormsg

Hmm, yeah. I think I understand why that's happening. If there is no items_key in the repo I will have to create my own...

I guess I'll have to create 1 1.7.2 before releasing it.

For your case it should be enough to go to the SN web app and create a new note, that will then create a default items_key. Then sync in AlephNote and it should work again.

And thanks for testing :)

I'll try that.

No, does not work. Created a note on SN but still no syncing.

Hmm, I guess it's not downloading the key because we don't even get to that point (with the encrypt step failing).
Can you try to force a re-sync by doing Edit->"Delete local data and sync new". This will delete local, unsynced data (if you have any). So you should back up that one note that was changed and that he is now trying to upload

Ok, I copied the whole Alephnote folder to make sure I have a backup of everything.
Then I tried what you said without success.


AlephNote.Common.Exceptions.RepoLockedException: Could not open Repository 'C:\Dropbox\PortableTools\AlephNote\.notes\{2e0f8644-ed40-47b4-8f53-fa5a1e3eb198}'.
The repository is currently locked by a different process. ---> System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException: Could not find a part of the path 'C:\Dropbox\PortableTools\AlephNote\.notes\{2e0f8644-ed40-47b4-8f53-fa5a1e3eb198}\.lock'.
   at System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, String maybeFullPath)
   at System.IO.FileStream.Init(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, Int32 rights, Boolean useRights, FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize, FileOptions options, SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES secAttrs, String msgPath, Boolean bFromProxy, Boolean useLongPath, Boolean checkHost)
   at System.IO.FileStream..ctor(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share)
   at AlephNote.Common.Repository.RepoLock.Lock(AlephLogger logger, String pathLocalFolder)
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
   at AlephNote.Common.Repository.RepoLock.Lock(AlephLogger logger, String pathLocalFolder)
   at AlephNote.Common.Repository.NoteRepository.Init()
   at AlephNote.WPF.Windows.MainWindowViewmodel.FullResync()

Errm that's really weird.

Does the folder C:\Dropbox\PortableTools\AlephNote\.notes\{2e0f8644-ed40-47b4-8f53-fa5a1e3eb198} really not exist?
It should be there and making a copy of the AlephNote folder definitely shouldn't change anything there

You do not have two AlepHNote instances running (on the same folder) at the same time? Because that's what the lock file is trying to prevent

It does exist: https://markuphero.com/share/bVMeTTk3ZzKUWakuQ7Sg

I have had occurrences where AlephNotes was lamenting that there is a second instance running....don't remember what it said.
I had to go into the task manager to cancel the process.
But it definitely does not sync with only 1 instance running.....

Hmm can you perhaps give me a screenshot of the log window around the error (Help -> Show Log).

Or (if you want) just in case this goes on longer. Do you have teamspeak [1] / skype [2], then we could do the error searching without typing so much. Or perhaps I could simply look at your screen with teamviewer.

[1] TS URL: mikescher.com
[2] @Mikescher.de

Here is the screenshot:

Don't have teamspeak/teamviewer, but I could install something if needed.

I could zip and send you the whole folder, so you could see what it is...
If so, would you want me to send the now purged folder or the old copy? (I don't care about the content...nothing sensitive :-)

I mean if you want (and there really is nothing sensitive) you can send me the zipped folder. I guess if you later change your password it should be okay.

My email is "mailport [รคt] mikescher [dot] com", I think it's best if you send me the current copy (the one where the error occurs)


Okay, the problem was (in addition to the missing items_key problem) that you had notes in your account that were encrypted under the 002 schema while your session already ran as 004. Because I don't have that in my repository the code that handles decrypting older data was never run and the bug in it never triggered for me -.-

I build a new version (0.7.2) which should fix all that. Can you please update(again) to that version and tell me if everything works.

It works now!!!

Why don't you join "buy me a coffee"?
I'd buy you a coffee :-)

It works now!!!

puh, thats good :). Then I can release it later (hopefully) without further problems

Why don't you join "buy me a coffee"?

Just because you're like the 5th guy asking me to I did it.
But really you don't have to do anything. I'm mostly developing AN because I wanted a good note-taking app for myself.
And this way I can deny feature requests I don't like without feeling bad :D

I said coffee!!!! It says "Buy Mikescher a beer"....well I had to send a triple your way then :-) Enjoy...
Thanks again

Another thing, any plans to integrate a password/encryption option for notes?
And what also would be useful, but probably beyond your vision: tables and bolding
....like you said...feel free to feel bad denying these requests! :-)

I said coffee!!!! It says "Buy Mikescher a beer"

haha :D, thanks

any plans to integrate a password/encryption option for notes?

For server side encryption StandardNotes is pretty much the gold standard - everything gets encrypted client site and the server has no ability to read any data.
For client site protection there is currently the open issue #126 but that would entail quite a bit of rewriting the serialization code. So I have it on my list but no ETA (and I'm still hoping someone will just send a PR ^^)

And what also would be useful, but probably beyond your vision: tables and bolding

Having actual rich formatting is beyond the scope of AlephNote, it's was always intended as a plaintext note app (unlike evernote etc).
But I have (some) support for markdown in it. Sa if you add the markdown tag to a note you can at least create bold/italic text together with headers and code blocks

Thanks Mike!