
Simplenote - Error while syncing data [413 : Request Entity Too Large]

smaragdus opened this issue · 2 comments

All of a sudden I got the following error while using Simplenote synchronization:

Error while syncing data

Could not upload note 'Yo-001' (66325ae678d846678e947ae3fcba2f96) cause of Server api.simperium.com returned status code: 413 : Request Entity Too Large

AlephNote.PluginInterface.Exceptions.RestStatuscodeException: Server api.simperium.com returned status code: 413 : Request Entity Too Large
   at AlephNote.Common.Network.SimpleJsonRest.GenericTwoWay[TResult](Object body, String path, HttpMethod method, Int32[] allowedStatusCodes, String[] parameter)
   at AlephNote.Common.Network.SimpleJsonRest.PostTwoWay[TResult](Object body, String path, Int32[] allowedStatusCodes, String[] parameter)
   at AlephNote.Plugins.SimpleNote.SimpleNoteAPI.ChangeExistingNote(ISimpleJsonRest web, SimpleNote note, SimpleNoteConfig cfg, SimpleNoteConnection conn, Boolean& updated)
   at AlephNote.Plugins.SimpleNote.SimpleNoteConnection.UploadNoteToRemote(INote& inote, INote& conflict, ConflictResolutionStrategy strategy)
   at AlephNote.Common.Repository.SynchronizationThread.<>c__DisplayClass26_0.<UploadNotes>b__1(Tuple`2 notetuple)
   at AlephNote.Common.Repository.SynchronizationThread.ExecuteInParallel[T](AlephLogger log, String taskname, Boolean enableParallelism, IReadOnlyCollection`1 data, Int32 level, Int32 threshold, Func`3 error, Action`1 method)

Log file:


As GitHub does not allow uploading of XML files I copied the contents of the log file into a TXT file.


AlephNote 1 6 38 - 2021-05-25 - error - 001

This happened with AlephNote version 1.6.38. I am not using the latest version of AlephNote because version 1.6.38 is the last version which supports my OS- Windows 8.

I tried to delete notes, split notes into smaller chunks but the error persisted.

Finally I decided to try to synchronize with Simplenote starting with blank AlephNote without previously saved data and settings and this time the synchronization worked just fine.

I wonder what might be causing this 413 : Request Entity Too Large error.

Hey, I'm sorry but currently I'm a bit swarmed with uni and work stuff. So I don't have that much time to look into issues.

But I will definitely look into it once I have a bit of free time :)

I just documented the error I encountered so that the developer could check it out when it happens that he has time.
