
I get this error below, please help

Opened this issue · 2 comments

var initializer = RavePayInitializer(
amount: 1000,
publicKey: publicKey,
encryptionKey: encryptionKey,
subAccounts: subAccounts.isEmpty ? null : null) = "Nigeria"
..currency = "NGN" = ""
..fName = "Samuel"
..lName = "Dokubo"
..narration = ""
..txRef = ""
..orderRef = ""
..acceptMpesaPayments = false
..acceptAccountPayments = false
..acceptCardPayments = true
..acceptAchPayments = false
..acceptGHMobileMoneyPayments = false
..acceptUgMobileMoneyPayments = false
..acceptMobileMoneyFrancophoneAfricaPayments = false
..displayEmail = true
..displayAmount = true
..staging = false
..isPreAuth = false
..displayFee = true;

var response = await RavePayManager()
.prompt(context: context, initializer: initializer);

Output: RaveResult{status: RaveStatus.error, rawResponse: null, message: An error occured while attempting to decrypt some parameters}

Im having the same error and had to switch to flutterwave standard

@tjsvisual Using Flutterwave standard, is they a way one can by pass that first screen with the Pay button so users can be taken straight to the payment UI? Please let me know if you were able to achieve that