

Closed this issue · 4 comments

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Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 146, in
prepare (args, motd)
File "", line 83, in prepare
checkboxID = str (int (checkboxID) + opt - 1)
ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: ''

very strange, a strawpoll id is always an integer, not a string like yours

I have the same problem!

Short: You're probably trying to use the ID of a strawpoll**.com** poll instead of a strawpoll**.me** poll.

Long: Because of this the poll can't be found and the code in lines 79-82 result in an empty string (in the checkboxID variable). It's trying to find field-options- and their value= on the page/source code, but they do not exist since the poll does not exist. Line 83 tries to make an integer of this string, but an empty string cannot be an integer, hence the ValueError.

Indeed, that problem should appear only when you try voting on instead of