
Can you see how many stars were given in the following then block?

ianharoldonwater opened this issue · 2 comments

Howdy! Love your react-native in app review- its helped us speed up how we can ask for reviews.

Is there a way to programmatically know the star rating after InAppReview.RequestInAppReview() has run successfully?

I was looking through your set up and I didn't see anything that would speak to that. Thank you in advance if you can answer this question. I really appreciate it!

After reviewing the APIs of both platforms (Android, iOS), I found that we can only present the native dialog from each platform. However, we are unable to access the result of the rating/review due to legal agreements between users and the app stores, which prohibits such access.

@jdnichollsc due to legal reasons, that makes sense. Thank you for the response!