
Manually setting version on RaygunClient can break mapping.

tagy opened this issue · 2 comments

tagy commented

If I do not set the version on the Raygun client and upload a mapping file matching the version eg '1.5.2.txt' the stack trace is de-obfuscated as expected.

However if I set the version manually to provide more information, name & version code eg:

RaygunClient.setVersion("${BuildConfig.VERSION_NAME} (${BuildConfig.VERSION_CODE})")

The crash report will show the version as I set manually eg: 1.5.2 (452)
But uploading a file '1.5.2 (452).txt' does not de-obfuscate any future crash reports.

This did work as expected in a previous version.

I have changed how I name the version to the following:


eg 1.5.2_452 and this does work uploading a file '1.5.2_452.txt'.

This solves it for me, but adding this incase anyone else has the same issue, I'm not sure if this file name should not contain spaces?

Thanks for reporting this, @tagy.

@mduncan26 Would you mind checking into the file name expectations when processing mapping files on the backend through the website? The client-side code for setting the version hasn't changed for quite a while.

Thanks heaps for pointing this out and apologies for the rather late reply. We've tracked down a bug that was introduced at our end causing this issue. A fix for this has recently been deployed that means version numbers with spaces are now supported again. Any mapping files previously uploaded with a space will correctly be applied to newly sent crash reports with the matching version - no need to re-upload mapping files.