
Adding wave reached requirements to zone infor

schumannd opened this issue · 3 comments

I found myself often in the situation where I have forgotten which wave I needed to reach to unlock the next zone. There is no ingame way to check this, and googling brings me to this wiki which frustratingly does not contain this info. If it si wanted, I will open a PR today that adds this info.

I would not advise directly editing those files as they are automatically generated by Anuke's Wikigen, and your changes will be erased the next release. I suggest starting a PR over there which makes the bot include that information in the content that it generates.

Closing as the changes are more relevant to the wikigen rather than the editable content in this wiki.

huh, good thing I saw this because I was considering opening a PR for the exact same thing. Did you ever end up opening a PR with Anuke like Luxray suggested, @schumannd? Because I see the missing information is still missing and I'd like to contribute one way or the other.

The entire zone system is being reworked/removed, so it's best to wait.