
Clicking the pencil to edit a wiki page redirects to 404

sudobeans opened this issue · 1 comments

When I click on the pencil icon on a page, it doesn't send me to the right place to edit it. In this example, clicking the pencil sends me to https://github.com/MindustryGame/wiki/edit/master/docs/blocks/168-steam-generator.md . This produces a 404 error. Instead, it should send me to https://github.com/MindustryGame/wiki/blob/gh-pages/blocks/168-steam-generator/index.html or something like that.

EDIT: looks like things have changed since I last edited the wiki for v5. Is there any way to edit and add info to the pages anymore now that you are using html instead of markdown?

Those pages don't exist in the wiki, so you can't edit them. They're autogenerated.