[Bug] Multiple bark recipes
DWX12 opened this issue · 1 comments
Going through the process of making leather with this mod and found a strange issue with recipes. All of the barks have two recipes to get tannins.
The standard recipe among all of them is that two bark will create one tannin ball. The other recipe varies among the different types of bark. One bark may create one tannin or four may create one, just as two examples.
I know you're trying make it that different barks create more or less; however, I think that the recipes could be fixed a bit. Maybe make it so that the different barks can't be interchangeable with each other.
Thank you for the great mod and all that you've put into making it.
This was added so that you don't have to have bark of the same type of trees to get tannins. You can mix them up, but at a reduced efficiency