
Shouldn't get muted from advertisements if mute doesn't involve advertisements.

Opened this issue · 2 comments

ec1c commented


  • I have read and agree to the README (found on https://github.com/Minehut/Meta)
  • I am NOT reporting a security vulnerability
  • I have searched the Issue Tracker to make sure this is not a duplicate issue
  • This issue does not contain any sensitive information

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What is the feature you are requesting?

I am requesting that if your mute is not related to /ad you should be able to /ad. This has completely been ruining my server due to the fact that I am not able to push my server to other people for a certain period of time. I also get muted for more time each time everytime. I don't think Minehut's mute system is very good because I can get muted for asking a question, Which I think is one of the reasons we use Minehut chat. I think minehut should change the way they mute people and unless your mute involves /ad then don't mute someone from /ad because it can completely ruin servers with 1 owner.

How is this feature useful for Minehut?

I think it will be beneficial because it will allow 1 Owner/1 Staff servers to have a chance to grow into a very big server one day and not get muted for 3 weeks at a time. In Conclusion, Minehut should change their system of muting and I should not get muted from /ad if it's not related to /ad.

"in conclusion". This isn't an essay and that's not even being used right, you said the exact same thing...

no, just no please no