Infclass TW
BetterToAutomateTheWorld opened this issue · 19 comments
The map inf_warehouse_summer[XH].map is corrupted
[578d5257][engine]: running on unix-linux-amd64
[578d5257][engine]: arch is little endian
[578d5257][storage]: added path '$USERDIR' ('/home/quentinbd/.teeworlds')
[578d5257][storage]: added path '$DATADIR' ('/home/quentinbd/TeeWorlds_infclass/data')
[578d5257][storage]: added path '$CURRENTDIR' ('/home/quentinbd')
[578d5257][console]: failed to open 'autoexec.cfg'
[578d5257][console]: executing '/home/quentinbd/TeeWorlds_infclass/autoexec.cfg'
[578d5257][server]: added option 'Map : inf_warehouse_summer[XH]' 'sv_map inf_warehouse_summer[XH]'
[578d5257][server]: added option ' ' 'sv_warmup 0'
[578d5257][server]: added option 'Map : infc_newdust' 'sv_map infc_newdust'
[578d5257][server]: added option 'Map : infc_skull' 'sv_map infc_skull'
[578d5257][server]: added option 'Map : infc_damascus' 'sv_map infc_damascus'
[578d5257][server]: added option 'Map : infc_warehouse_ac' 'sv_map infc_warehouse_ac'
[578d5257][Console]: moderator access for 'ban' is disabled
[578d5257][Console]: moderator access for 'kick' is disabled
[578d5257][Console]: moderator access for 'status' is disabled
[578d5257][Console]: moderator access for 'mod_status' is disabled
[578d5257][Console]: moderator access for 'inf_set_class' is disabled
[578d5257][dbg/logger]: failed to open '/home/quentinbd/TeeWorlds_infclass/' for logging
[578d5257][server]: starting...
[578d5257][datafile]: loading. filename='maps/inf_warehouse_summer[XH].map'
[578d5257][datafile]: allocsize=3088
[578d5257][datafile]: readsize=2816
[578d5257][datafile]: swaplen=2836
[578d5257][datafile]: item_size=2436
[578d5257][datafile]: loading done. datafile='maps/inf_warehouse_summer[XH].map'
[578d5257][server]: maps/inf_warehouse_summer[XH].map crc is 6b0847ff
Erreur de segmentation
5de5ad6 If it doesn't work, then your mod has a problem.
By the way we should seriously think to update our mod version, which is hugely outdated (or just host another mod).
Is this fixed btw ?
Unfortunately I didn't remember... I think it's not fixed since your last commit
I think InfClass should be updated or abandoned.
I've no problem to update this server, I will do it.
In you side, please can you check if you have a not corrupted version of this map ?
I changed my computer since then and I think the version is updated since some weeks, else I'll update it
Updated 1a5ab40
Ok, I updated the InfClass server then merged the recent changes on the repository to the server, finally I rebooted all TW servers.
@ObaniGemini Can you confirm everything is OK now ?
bip bip bidip...
I found a problem in sector D...
Matrix finder... B22 Zoom...
Render the results with the KXR graph...
Mmmh... It seems to work well but the map isn't testable !
Screw it, johnson !
(fixed 4d3a966 )
Damn, didn't remember i commented it :p
I merged again and rebooted all servers.
I tried the new map and the server still crash when it launch it / you enter it :
[58c6ed69][datafile]: loading data index=17 size=2365 uncompressed=151200
[58c6ed69][server]: version 0.6 626fce9a778df4d4
[58c6ed69][engine/mastersrv]: refreshing master server addresses
[58c6ed69][register]: refreshing ip addresses
[58c6ed69][engine/mastersrv]: saving addresses
[58c6ed69][register]: fetching server counts
[58c6ed6c][register]: chose '' as master, sending heartbeats
[58c6ed70][register]: no firewall/nat problems detected
[58c6ed70][register]: no firewall/nat problems detected
[58c6ed70][register]: server registered
[58c6edec][server]: player is ready. ClientID=0
[58c6edf0][server]: 'Darcidride' -> 'Darcidride'
[58c6edf0][server]: player has entered the game. ClientID=0
[58c6edf0][game]: team_join player='0:Darcidride' team=0
[58c6ee03][game]: kill killer='0:Darcidride' victim='0:Darcidride' weapon=3 special=0
[58c6ee28][chat]: *** 'Darcidride' called vote to change server option 'Map : inf_warehouse_summer[XH]' (No reason given)
[58c6ee28][chat]: *** Vote passed
[58c6ee28][datafile]: loading. filename='maps/inf_warehouse_summer[XH].map'
[58c6ee28][datafile]: allocsize=4156
[58c6ee28][datafile]: readsize=3788
[58c6ee28][datafile]: swaplen=3808
[58c6ee28][datafile]: item_size=3252
[58c6ee28][datafile]: loading done. datafile='maps/inf_warehouse_summer[XH].map'
[58c6ee28][server]: maps/inf_warehouse_summer[XH].map crc is b6f00118
Have you got an updated teeworlds version ? I remember 0.6.4 is out since some months, and I made the map with it. Also, I tried infclass and it didn't seem updated :)
Ping @ObaniGemini ^
works on my computer and on another mainly played server. I have nothing more to say.
Was the server ever updated in production?
I don't think so
Of course the server is up-to-date in production, we never find why this only map is crashing on the server and not locally... :/ (even after server update to latest version)
Just remove that server. It's outdated af anyway, and the official ones are way better with more adapted maps.