
A small PEP440 compliant bump utility for the Python development master.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


PyPI pdm-managed

A small PEP440 compliant bump utility for PDM, the Python Development Master.


As of PEP621, the pyproject.toml supports project metadata including a project version. If you are using the PDM build backend (according to PEP517), you can also use a file provider that contains your version, which is often referred to as a dynamic version.

The project version itself must comply to PEP440, which tells us, that it must consist of

  • an optional epoch
  • a mandatory major version part
  • a mandatory minor version part
  • a mandatory micro version part
  • an optional pre-release part supporting alpha, beta or release-candidate part.

Tools like bumpversion or bump2version use their own configuration and might not conform to the PEP440 specification.


You can install it using either pip (pip install [--user] pdm-bump) or using the PDM CLI (pdm self add [--pip-args=--user] pdm-bump).


You can use it the following way:

$ grep version= pyproject.toml
$ pdm bump pre-release --pre alpha # creates 0.1.1a1
$ pdm bump pre-release --pre beta # creates 0.1.1.b1
$ pdm bump pre-release --pre release-candidate # creates 0.1.1rc1
$ pdm bump no-pre-release # creates 0.1.1
$ pdm bump micro # creates 0.1.2
$ pdm bump minor # creates 0.2.0
$ pdm bump major # creates 1.0.0

VCS based actions

NOTE: Currently, only git is supported as VCS provider.

You can create tags based on your pyproject.toml version (or dynamic version) using the following command.

$ pdm bump tag # creates a git tag with a leading v


Feel free to submit issues and pull requests. Contributions are welcome.


  1. Tests: To run the tests for your current checks, run pdm run pytest.
  2. tox: If you are using pyenv you can use pdm run tox to run the tests for all supported Python versions.
  3. Code Style: You can use pdm check-style to check code format.
  4. Format: You can use pdm format to format your code.
  5. Commit messages: You can run pdm check-commits to run gitlint on your commit messages.

Before opening a Pull Request make sure that the quality gates are passed.