
Using with MiniProfiler with MVC3 and EF6

jdonaldson10 opened this issue · 3 comments

Currently I have an MVC3 application that uses EF6 for it's data access. I am able to get things up and running just fine using the MiniProfiler.MVC3 package and have the timings all appear.

However, after adding MiniProfiler.EF6 package it seems that I am no longer able to resolve the @MiniProfiler.RenderIncludes() method in the StackExchange.Profiling namespace.

I do realise the mvc3 version hasn't seen much (any?) updates in a long while, really I am just after confirmation if this is at all possible before spending more time on it.

Plus I can make do without the db profiling until I have time in my schedule to bring the application up to mvc 4/5

As you noted, the MVC3 nuget hasnt been updated in quite a while. It is still on v2 and was built against the v2 main MiniProfiler dll. EF6 on the other hand has only ever been built against the v3 main dll (and since it requires v3, it most likely upgraded your main MiniProfiler dll from v2 to v3 when you installed the EF6 package). So I am not surprised that something is off when trying to combine these. Unfortunately I can't really justify spending time right now trying to make these compatible anymore. If you would like to submit a pull request to bring the MVC3 project up to date I would be happy to look it over.

Sounds about right to me...always worth asking though 😄

I don't have much free time to work on this one at the moment. Even with that I would probably be better placed putting that time into upgrading my app to mvc4 (as I am planning to do that anyway!). Though if some does free up I may just look into it. Feel free to close this off if you wish as it answered my question fine.

It might be helpful to add this to the documentation or perhaps? Or even just leave this issue open for anyone experiencing the same problem?

Updated readme