optimisation_level=0 has no effect
jmjrawlings-azn opened this issue · 1 comments
jmjrawlings-azn commented
As per title - passing optimisation_level=0
does not result in -O 0
being passed to the CLI.
Inside of CLI/instance.py under CLIInstance.solutions
I believe that
# Set compiler optimisation level if specified
if optimisation_level:
cmd.extend(["-O", str(optimisation_level)])
should be
# Set compiler optimisation level if specified
if optimisation_level is not None:
cmd.extend(["-O", str(optimisation_level)])
thanks for the great package!
Dekker1 commented
Hi @J-M-J-R,
Thank you for reporting the issue and providing the fix. It seems I should be more careful in non statically typed languages.
I'll merge the fix into develop in a minute