
Android Version

Closed this issue · 8 comments

It would be better to create a version for Android, as not everyone has a computer with Java.

You already know this is planned...

You already know this is planned...

But is the MinicraftPlusRevived development team already working on developing an Android version?

@maxkratt I was looking at one of your repositories, and I found something called UnityCraft for Android, I installed it and UnityCraft is very cool, but it's a bit stuck and full of bugs, but if you go there, fix it These Bugs and Make the Game More Optimized, Then Everything is Ready, We Will Now Have a Minicraft for Android

@maxkratt I was looking at one of your repositories, and I found something called UnityCraft for Android, I installed it and UnityCraft is very cool, but it's a bit stuck and full of bugs, but if you go there, fix it These Bugs and Make the Game More Optimized, Then Everything is Ready, We Will Now Have a Minicraft for Android

I abandoned working on it quite some time ago. Many bugs were fixed that haven't been released yet and most importantly there aren't mobs in the game yet. I was using it as a project to learn multiplayer coding and if I were to work on it again I'd probably start from scratch.

@maxkratt I was looking at one of your repositories, and I found something called UnityCraft for Android, I installed it and UnityCraft is very cool, but it's a bit stuck and full of bugs, but if you go there, fix it These Bugs and Make the Game More Optimized, Then Everything is Ready, We Will Now Have a Minicraft for Android

I abandoned working on it quite some time ago. Many bugs were fixed that haven't been released yet and most importantly there aren't mobs in the game yet. I was using it as a project to learn multiplayer coding and if I were to work on it again I'd probably start from scratch.

But is the MinicraftPlusRevived development team already working on developing an Android version?

It's not high on the development list at the moment I believe.
You could always take part and help with it though.

It's not high on the development list at the moment I believe.
You could always take part and help with it though.

Sorry, I can't help, because I don't know any programming language so I can't program an Android version of MinicraftPlusRevived

Duplicate of #469