
French translation issues

PCorbard opened this issue · 3 comments

Some first issues noticed on the French translation of the manifesto

  1. the French translation should be revised so as not to confuse "continuous delivery" with "continuous deployment".
    Currently, "Continuous Delivery" has been translated "Déploiement Continu", which means "Continuous Deployment".
    see for instance this page in French from Atlassian:
  2. Other terms can also be reviewed : "délivrabilité" => "livraison".
  3. The English technical term "pipeline" can be used and not translated by "tunnel".
    Hope it helps,

Thanks for this.

I guess this is a similar problem that we have in Italian, where it's difficult to translate "deployment" as clearly distinct from "delivery". We use "distribuzione" (deployment) and "rilascio" (delivery), but it's a much more feeble distinction than in English.

Yes, in French we usually translate "Continuous delivery" by "Livraison continue" and "Continuous deployment" by "Déploiement continu", but some terms are clearer in English rather than trying to translate them