
Gazebo simulator plugin to automatically generate a 2D occupancy map from the simulated world at a given certain height.

This plugin was adapted from the octomap plugin from ETH Zürich.

Include this in your world file:

<plugin name='gazebo_occupancy_map' filename=''>

To generate the map, call the /gazebo_2Dmap_plugin/generate_map ros service:

ros2 service call /gazebo_2Dmap_plugin/generate_map

The generated map is published on the /map2d ros topic.

You can use the map_saver_cli node from the nav2_map_server package inside ros navigation to save your generated map to a .pgm and .yaml file:

ros2 run nav2_map_server map_saver_cli -f <mapname> /map:=/map2d

The last map generated with the /gazebo_2Dmap_plugin/generate_map call is saved.


  • To identify the connected free space the robot would discover during mapping, the plugin performs a wavefront exploration along the occupancy grid starting from the origin of the gazebo world coordinate system. Please ensure that the corresponding cell is in the continuous free space.
  • The plugin will map all objects in the world, including the robot. Remove all unwanted objects before creating the map.