- 0
How to detect duplicate subscribers ?
#17 opened by bkmallik - 4
- 1
Support of PHP versions?
#23 opened by stephanvierkant - 0
PHP 8 support
#21 opened by maisoui - 1
VAPID config not found in bundle config resulting in endpoint reporting 401 missing auth headers
#19 opened by veldenb - 1
The "minishlink_web_push" service or alias has been removed or inlined when the container was compiled.
#18 opened by galphanet - 4
Support Minishlink/web-push version 5
#12 opened by arjenm - 0
Support Symfony 5
#13 opened by juliusstoerrle - 1
Sending with payload not working
#11 opened by Roman9961 - 2
Outdated dependency
#9 opened by GenieTim - 3
Create a branch for minishlink/web-push:2.0
#8 opened by vjnrv - 1
- 8
not installable under Symfony 3.1
#5 opened by ThomasTr - 16
Not all configs are handled
#1 opened by andreybrokeit