
A Geographic Information System (GIS) used by Ministério Público do Estado do Rio de Janeiro to show social, institutional and administrative data , based on React and Leaflet, interacting with a GeoServer back-end.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

In Loco

In the place; in the proper or natural place.

A Geographic Information System (GIS) used by Ministério Público do Estado do Rio de Janeiro to show social, institutional and administrative data, made with React and Leaflet, interacting with a public GeoServer backend.

For more details about our GeoServer instance, please check README-GEOSERVER.md.

Screen capture


Our development objectives and open issues are all public on GitHub issues. Pull requests are welcome!

Optionally, you can install ZenHub plugin (available on Chrome and Firefox) to see development plan board, see issues already in progress etc.

For more details, please read CONTRIBUTING.md.



  1. Clone the project or download it to your computer.
  2. Make sure you have Node.js and npm installed. We suggest using node version 8 (you could use nvm to switch to that version, i.e. brew install nvm, nvm install 8 and nvm use 8).
  3. If on Windows, install .NET Framework 2.0 SDK (Sass build dependency)
  4. If needed be, configure npm proxy
  5. webpack and webpack-dev-server must be installed globally (npm i -g webpack webpack-dev-server)
  6. Run npm install. If you have any trouble with Node SASS, you could try npm rebuild node-sass
  7. This project uses EditorConfig to configure its code standards, please use the appropriate plugin on your IDE or text editor.


$ npm start

For more details (running tests etc.) please check CONTRIBUTING.md.




And those external contributors, with accepted PRs:



