
issue with minqlx connecting to redis

Closed this issue · 2 comments

I think I have found a bug in minqlx's in relation to it's redis connection throwing the error:

ERROR: redis.exceptions.ConnectionError: Error -2 connecting to = redis:6379. Name or service not known.

I have tried everything and even created a reproducible demo to demonstrate this:

  1. ensure you have docker and docker-compose installed (
  2. create a file with the following contents called docker-compose.yaml (this docker compose file creates a ql server and a redis server).
  3. run docker-compose up
version: "3.8"

    image: redis:alpine
    image: jamesla/quakelive:1.0.3
    stdin_open: true
    tty: true
    - "redis"
    - "27960:27960/udp"
      ACCESS: |
      SERVER_CFG: |
        set serverstartup "startrandommap"
        set sv_hostname "demo server"
        set sv_serverType "1"
        set qlx_redisAddress = "redis"
        set qlx_plugins "permission, motd"
      MAP_POOL: |

After pulling the containers for the first time you will see that it throws a bunch of minqlx exceptions with the important one being arena1_1 | [minqlx.log_exception] ERROR: redis.exceptions.ConnectionError: Error -2 connecting to = redis:6379. Name or service not known.

At first glance you would think that this is a networking problem however that's not the case as I can demonstrate:

Proving that redis is accessible from the quakelive container:

  1. connect to the quake live container (while it's running in another terminal run docker-compose exec quakelive python3

  2. connect to the redis container:

import socket
socket.getaddrinfo("redis", 6379)

3.. alternatively you can connect from the quakelive container:

apt install redis-tools
redis-cli -h redis

I am certain I have cornered this problem to minqlx however I am completely stuck with this one and any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

PS I have also ruled out that this is a race condition between redis and the quakelive container starting - as if you run docker-compose restart quakelive after the redis container has been running for a while and it will still get the same error.

set qlx_redisAddress = "redis"

Remove the = , otherwise qlx_redisAddress will get set to "= redis".

legend @cstewart90 - so easy and working thank you - not sure how I missed that