

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Hi, I am working/testing the BlenderUmap2 add-on, I have a non-encrypted game (so no AES key), so it is obvious (I presume) to leave those fields empty then) and the picture on GitHub would say it all what to put in the fields but its not 'wide' enough (the screenshot from Blender itself), the game path is clear and the .pak name but the 'Package' field I don't understand, it's a UE4_21 game so I have selected that also, I just can't get the 'Import' get to work, maybe the AES fields are required?

Or is this addon more focused on Fortnite which I don't think as you can select a lot of UE versions, a bit more explanation/guide
would be very much appreciated!




ty^^ I get the import option now, get a error, and checked the .log file, it can't find the specific .umap, while it is in the windowsnoeditir.pak for sure (I have it extracted with quickbms etc)