Says newer version is available and crashes
Trolot opened this issue · 3 comments
When launching the program it states a newer version is available before throwing an error and crashing.
(the error:
Unhandled exception. System. Net. Http.HttpRequestException: Response status code does not indicate success: 404 (Not Found).
at System. Net . Http . HttpResponseMessage . EnsureSuccessStatusCode()
at System. Net. Http.HttpCIient.GetStringAsyncCore(HttpRequestMessage request, CancellationToken canceltationToken)
at BSLegacyUtiI. Program. args
It also opens the releases page of the defunct Github page of the project (
To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
Launch the program
- OS: [Windows 11]
Just logged in to file the same. Also on Windows 11.
This issue has been resolved as of v2023.1.4 -
Thanks for the report!
Seems to be back now :)