
various features request

Opened this issue · 2 comments

  • block 3rd party cookies
  • block all cookies (per domain)
  • use 2nd level domain names
  • apply cookie settings to http/https
  • automatically reload affected page when cookie permission changes

Blocking isn't possible through a webextension in some cases. E.g. when a Javascript sets a cookie, the webextension will only get notified it after the cookie has already been set. So it can't be blocked, it can only be deleted right after it was set.

Due to my code it would be very messy to add an option for different levels of domains. Don't expect a change soon. Currently it uses 2nd level domains in all cases where the domain isn't a known public suffix (e.g. co.uk). If the site is a site with a known public suffix, it will use the 3rd level domain instead, for instance independent.co.uk.

Not sure what you mean with apply to http/https? The addon doesn't make a difference between them. You suggest cookies from http://website.xx should be kept while https://website.xx should be removed?

Appreciate the feedback.

I meant that http/https cookies could vary in their settings. But since this extention is an Erazor and not a Manager it does not matter.