
CookiErazor not working at all?

Opened this issue · 7 comments

I use CookiErazor 1.1 in FF 55.0.2 on Ubuntu 17.10 (Beta).

If I (in FF Preferences) select "Keep until: they expires" all cookies are kept, no matter what I select in CookiErazor. And if I select "Keep until: Firefox restarts", no cookies are kept, no matter what I select in CookiErazor.

Tried deleting permissions.sqlite, but no luck.

What am I doing wrong?

Edit: I have made a screen recording showing how cookies are kept when they should only be kept until browser close, and how cookies are not kept, when they should be kept.

Do you have set privacy.firstparty.isolate to true? Because web extensions that remove cookies do not currently work with FPI. See Firefox bug: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1381197

No, privacy.firstparty.isolate is set to false.

In fact, if I rename ~/.mozilla to .mozilla.bak (to make a virgin install) and then start FF and install CookiErazor, it doesn't erase cookies. Proof here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/vy24a2kdoflxje2/CookiErazor2.mp4

Thanks for testing on a clean profile. FYI the latest FF version is 56.0. I'm not the developer but I could not reproduce on my mac proof if needed.

As for

"Keep until: they expires" all cookies are kept, no matter what I select in CookiErazor.

This should still allow CookiErazor do it's job. Might be a bug.

And if I select "Keep until: Firefox restarts", no cookies are kept, no matter what I select in CookiErazor.

That is to be expected FF removes the cookies. Extensions can't override FF behaviour.

Edit: added proof.

Forget about my first comment. I was a little confused about what was going on. The real problem is shown in the second video - no cookies are deleted, despite the site I visit is not white-listed. No 1. part cookies and no 3. part cookies are deleted.

It is good to know it works as expected on Mac, but on Linux there clearly is a problem. Hope it can be fixed. Let me know if I can help.

Just to clarify: I'm not the developer of the extension. Sorry that I could not be of more help. If I was you I would try and see if you get the same issues with Cookie AutoDelete. If you do get the same problems than the issue is likely with Firefox. If not than It's an issue with CookiErazor.

Thanks for the suggestion. Okay, it turns out to be a Firefox issue. Cookie AutoDelete will delete the cookies not white-listed, if I click "Cookie Cleanup", and "Clear all cookies for this domain" also works as expected. But no cookies are deleted when I close a tab or close Firefox....

Good news for CookiErazor, bad news for Linux users (?).

I think the developer should report this back to Mozilla/Firefox.

Ups... I was too quick to say it is a FF issue. Cookie AutoDelete does work perfect, you just have to activate Active Mode. I don't understand why Active Mode is not default behavior, but when activated, it does clear all cookies when a tab close. So, it looks like CookiErazor has an issue.