
Parts for Sidewinder X1

Opened this issue · 11 comments

Hi, could it be possible to have parts for the sidewinder X1, certainly one of the most wobbly printer I know ? Many thks in advance

would X1 parts fit the X2?

I don't think cause the X2 have a new anti wobble system with spring tension for the wheels

X1 parts would be awesome

waiting for x1 parts :)

If anyone is still interested let me know.
Close to trying it out and publishing on some sites.
[If you want to beta test let me know!]


yup always interrested cause I did'nt find any good one for the X1

Still interested :)

can this be ported to the X2? How different are the 2 models?
I just received my wobbleX yesterday but not sure how to install on my X2

So Amazon didn't deliver the parts today as planned. Instead of keeping you guys from potentially trying it out.
Here is a link to Thingiverse.

It is heavily a WIP/concept that I have not tried. Keep that in mind :)

Feedback is welcome of course!

Perhaps a quick update on my end.
I was surprised that my Sidewinder X1 (v4) already had a similar mechanism to address Z-banding. (basically a blue cube with the brass nut inside with some degree of freedom for movement)
But I did install one side and I noticed that when there is z-axis movement, the rotation actually gets the Wabble-X moving too much that it actually almost jumps the metal ball bearings. Perhaps this is similar to the weight distribution issue mentioned in the wiki.

I ended up replacing the original parts for the X1 because the above design I provided did not work!

You can just use the mockup parts for the x1.