
Failed cluster "create" result in unusable instance. No way to retry. [bug]

Opened this issue · 4 comments

epcim commented


  • Provide logs/details why cluster create failed on
  • Btn. to re-try (possibly to recreate from spec / de-provision (but keep set in UI for later recreate)
  • Timeline feature to show in UI of actions taken against cluster|provisioner|organization|...
epcim commented

When the provision of new cluster fails - it don't show the error message in UI

When tried again with the same name (we should strictly prevent that) the error appeares but it results with two same name, falied cluster.

  1. Are there no logs in the API container describing why it failed?
  2. Why retry? Is delete -> create again not sufficient? Thats how it usually works in similar applications
  3. Timeline feature sounds good, we can implement it after stable release
    4a) Need to investigate more, it may be regression, cluster status should work properly
    4b) We don't require unique cluster names, cluster name doesn't affect provisioning result

@epcim seems its not a bug, its a feature request

@epcim for ex, gce provide valid output in case of failed provision

api_1   | 	(2) Insufficient regional quota to satisfy request for resource: "IN_USE_ADDRESSES". The request requires '10.0' and is short '4.0'. The regional quota is '8.0' with '6.0' available.">
api_1   | Provisioning failed: Creating cluster ab0ad4272c50c4e60966b2faa1daccb4f failed with following reason: <HttpError 403 when requesting https://container.googleapis.com/v1/projects/tidal-fusion-195413/zones/us-central1-a/clusters?alt=json returned "(1) Insufficient regional quota to satisfy request for resource: "CPUS". The request requires '10.0' and is short '4.0'. The regional quota is '8.0' with '6.0' available.
api_1   | 	(2) Insufficient regional quota to satisfy request for resource: "IN_USE_ADDRESSES". The request requires '10.0' and is short '4.0'. The regional quota is '8.0' with '6.0' available.">
api_1   | [2018-03-05 09:01:29,824] ERROR in generic_views: 500 Internal Server Error: Creating cluster ab0ad4272c50c4e60966b2faa1daccb4f failed with following reason: <HttpError 403 when requesting https://container.googleapis.com/v1/projects/tidal-fusion-195413/zones/us-central1-a/clusters?alt=json returned "(1) Insufficient regional quota to satisfy request for resource: "CPUS". The request requires '10.0' and is short '4.0'. The regional quota is '8.0' with '6.0' available.
api_1   | 	(2) Insufficient regional quota to satisfy request for resource: "IN_USE_ADDRESSES". The request requires '10.0' and is short '4.0'. The regional quota is '8.0' with '6.0' available.">```