
Immersive Portals is incompatible

SemmieDev opened this issue ยท 6 comments

I am not sure if you will fix this, but I just want to say that immersive portals (https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/immersive-portals-mod) is incompatible. When you load up the mod with this mod it looks like this mod is just disabled and no visible changes will get made.

IP overrides the transformation for two things: 1. Change the camera transformation for portal rendering 2. Display the rotation animation after the player cross a portal with rotation transformation that make the immediate camera pose an illegal camera rotation.
I can disable that transformation override when not rendering portal and no rotation animation is being performed

I noticed that this mod provides an event for changing camera but I prefer quaternion over Euler angle

Maybe fixed in the next version of IP

0.52 of IP came out, and I can say that the mods are definitely no longer incompatible, although it's still not perfect:


Can you not just re-use the main render's view & projection matrices, and only override location of the former one and offset rotation? Regardless, thanks a lot.

I wrote you a reply on the curseforge page, but fixing this caused an issue when using both mods: the camera shakes rapidly in backwards third-person mode. This did not occur prior to the Immersive Portals fix.

I wrote you a reply on the curseforge page, but fixing this caused an issue when using both mods: the camera shakes rapidly in backwards third-person mode. This did not occur prior to the Immersive Portals fix.

I was about to report this as well.