
v4.X vs v5.0 Feature Parity

Mirsario opened this issue · 14 comments

What's the state of the rebuild?

This version is around 75%+ done.
It's missing some features from the 1.3.X.X Terraria's Overhaul versions, but what's currently implemented is much superior to the old.

The Work-in-Progress 5.0 version for Terraria 1.4 is a complete reimplementation of the mod, which boasts:

  • A vastly superior & open sourced codebase;
  • Reimagined and more vanilla-faithful, while also more crazy, solid and fun game design;
  • Magnitudes more overall quality assurance & polishing.
  • Near flawless compatibility with content mods, to be polished further soon.

v4.X vs v5.0 Feature Parity Comparison

If you know something I forgot about - do let me know.

General Combat

v4.X v5.0 Feature Comment
Critical Strike Rework Will be redesigned.
Headshot system
Weakness & resistance system Unlikely to come back.
Hit enemies get mini-stuns
Damage randomization removed


v4.X v5.0 Feature Comment
On Fire! Panic. Unlikely to be readded, except for screams.
Physics changes Polished, more vanilla-faithful.
Grappling hook swinging physics Improved heavily, now works for multi-hooks.
Wall jumps
Wall flips
Jump key buffering
Climbing Greatly improved.
Climbing preserves velocity
Jump height control Smoother than in vanilla.
Autojump always present


v4.X v5.0 Feature Comment
Dodgerolls Greatly improved.
Multiple dodgeroll charges
Bunnyroll combos
Recharge indicators
"Critical Judgement" counter-attack


v4.X v5.0 Feature Comment
Arrow Velocity
Better sound effects
Focused Shots


v4.X v5.0 Feature Comment
Axe Bleeding
Hammer Stunning Will be replaced with knockback focus
Melee weapon aiming Greatly improved.
Velocity-based damage Improved.
Power attacks Improved.
Broadsword Killing Blows Improved.
Mid-air melee combat
Melee slashing animations
High quality audio
Custom hit sound effects


v4.X v5.0 Feature Comment
Reloading Removed forever.
Muzzleflashes Greatly improved.
Screenshake Greatly improved.
Better sound effects Greatly improved.
Visual recoil
Modded content compatibility Automatic.
New alternate fires
Minigun recoil hovering


v4.X v5.0 Feature Comment
Enemies drop mana on death
Power blasts
Enemies drop mana on hit
New speed-based mana regeneration


v4.X v5.0 Feature Comment
Zoom-in during dialogues
Focus during dialogues
Screen shake effects Improved tenfold with use of noise sampling
Smooth movement Improved to be framerate agnostic

Dialogue Improvements

v4.X v5.0 Feature Comment
Text appears gradually
Zoom-in during dialogues
Focus during dialogues


v4.X v5.0 Feature Comment
Enemy footsteps
Ambient sound loops Greatly improved.
Player footsteps
Highest quality sound effects
Caves & halls reverb sound effects Dynamic, based on nearby blocks
Underwater low pass sound filtering

Player Visuals

v4.X v5.0 Feature Comment
Players facing the mouse cursor
Weapon aiming animations
Player velocity-based tilting
360° Mining helmet flashlight
360° arm rotations feature/player_rendering

Blood/Decals and Gore

v4.X v5.0 Feature Comment
Gore floats in water
Blood spreads out in water
Decal system Capabilities vastly expanded.
Better blood particles Greatly improved.
Gore interactivity
High quality sound effects
Modded content compatibility
Explosions & flames leave burn decals
Non-flesh gib interactivity


v4.X v5.0 Feature Comment
Evil Blooming
Natural gore spawns during Evil Blooming
Lightning strikes
Water freezing
Water evaporation
Temperature (de)buffs

NPC Dialogue Improvements

v4.X v5.0 Feature Comment
Over-time text appearance
NPC speech soundbytes
Camera zoom-in during dialogues
Camera focus during dialogues

Item Interactivity Improvements

v4.X v5.0 Feature Comment
Item physics & velocity
Items play sound on impacts

Enemy AI Improvements

v4.X v5.0 Feature Comment
Line-of-sight player spotting
Fighter AI leaping at players

Consumable Item Improvements

v4.X v5.0 Feature Comment
Consumed potions return bottles
Hotkey-consumed potion animations
Buff pop-ups upon activation

Tree Falling Animations

v4.X v5.0 Feature Comment
Proper tree felling animation Improved code & stability.
Works with mod trees
Automatic stump removal


v4.X v5.0 Feature Comment
Fire System Will be redesigned.
Durability Unlikely to be readded.
Quick Action wheel
Max stack size rounding
Advanced smart cursor
Extended item favoriting & marking
Sand moisturizing effects

Boss Battle Improvements

  • ✅|❌ - v4 only
  • ✅|✅ - v4 & v5
  • ❌|✅ - v5 only
Boss Intro Audio Death Comment
King Slime ❌|❌ ✅|❌ ✅|❌
Eye of Cthulhu ❌|❌ ✅|❌ ✅|❌
Eater of Worlds ❌|❌ ❌|❌ ❌|❌
Brain of Cthulhu ❌|❌ ✅|❌ ✅|❌
Queen Bee ❌|❌ ✅|❌ ✅|❌
Skeletron ❌|❌ ✅|❌ ✅|❌
Wall of Flesh ❌|❌ ✅|❌ ✅|❌
The Twins ❌|❌ ✅|❌ ✅|❌
The Destroyer ❌|❌ ✅|❌ ✅|❌
Skeletron Prime ❌|❌ ✅|❌ ✅|❌
Golem ❌|❌ ❌|❌ ✅|❌
Plantera ❌|❌ ❌|❌ ❌|❌
The Lunatic ❌|❌ ❌|❌ ❌|❌
Moon Lord ❌|❌ ❌|❌ ❌|❌


Most of it wasn't very necessary

v4.X v5.0 Type Feature Comment
Accessory Bunny Paw Greatly improved.
Tool The Mop Greatly improved.
Tool Stone Axe
Tool Stone Pickaxe
Ammo Harmless Rocket
Ammo Onyx Cell
Ammo Water Arrow
Consumable Sleeping Potion
Material Charcoal
Material Red Gel
Material Repair Kits
Miscellaneous Music Disc
Tool / Weapon Rocket Jumper
Placeable Calendar
Placeable Gramophone
Placeable Lightning Rod
Placeable Repair Table
Placeable Smoke Detector
Weapon Impact Bomb
Weapon Impact Dynamite
Weapon Impact Grenade
Weapon Super Shotgun
Weapon All the Flail Whips Will not be readded.

i do hope the rocket jumper returns, it was fun to use

the world diffuculty box looks really scuffed. the text doesn't even fit the box

Hey, I just wanna know that is there any chance for the reloading system of guns be back? I think that is one of the spirit of this mod! I don't understand why it have to be deleted.

TKSBF commented

I really really like the weapon reloading system I hope you can take it back I'll even pay for you if I want

How prioritized is the camera system rewrite. Overhaul currently doesn't work with any multiplayer spectate mod.

I really really like the weapon reloading system I hope you can take it back I'll even pay for you if I want

he is not bringing it back due to compatibility reasons @TKSBF, among other reasons i forgot

it was a neat mechanic that made things interesting, it was also spaghetti hell(that's mor over thr code as a whole but you know), as well as incompatible, if i want that interesting id aimply grab 1.3 overhaul, which imma do

rocket jumpy as well, but it is likely to be less janky(could prob have a reload mechanic specific to it, to really push the feeling of from a different game)

Reloading is removed for game design reasons, nothing technical.

Out of place, breaks pacing, does nothing but prevent shooting in a shooter
There will be better features for rangers

What about adding a super-mop type of item that lets you clean faster?

Will seasons be reimplemented?

Could you make it so that instead of the features being deleted entirely you can have them be optional instead?
I really enjoyed some of the removed features like the reloading, and wanna see it be an optional feature rather than just completely removed.

I may not understand something, but why cut out some of the cool features like headshot system, swimming, axe bleeding and even reloading in guns? Mouse look, text appearing gradually, zoom-in during dialogues, those QoL features are something we need in terraria, why cut them out? I mean these features might were been "small" but they had made a whole picture of "Overhaul mod" which i remember while playing terraria 1.3v with this mode, the experience i had. Cutting these features out will just make overhaul mod feel incompletel and it's very depressing to realize they won't be in v5.0 of the mod

Nothing was "cut out", 5.0 is a from-scratch restart with an entirely new codebase, game design, and design values.