
List of Websites Which Don't Work

Miserlou opened this issue · 43 comments

This is the issue for reporting specific websites which don't work. If you stumble on a site which OpenSpritz doesn't work with, please use this issue to report it!

When the cause is diagnosed, that cause can be taken to a new issue.


Looks to be the same as the New Scientist one, will open a ticket.


Extremely annoyingly, my own blog doesn't work with it. Readability returns 504 error.

A brief Google also returns this as having a similar problem: http://www.devshed.com/c/a/PHP/PHP-Application-Development-Part-One/1/

Font rendering is broken on this page: http://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-26260978


HuffPo is boned, likely because of the jQ thing, or because HP pages just take so long to load and the jQ requires document complete..

reuters.com: http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/03/05/us-usa-senate-nominee-idUSBREA241T320140305

boingboing.net: http://boingboing.net/2014/03/05/this-day-in-blogging-history-166.html

github.com: #8

Since it didn't work on the gun.io blog, or the first three other placed I tried, I just assumed it didn't work, but fortunately tried it again at NYTimes and found that it did.

It seems like there are a couple of issues that cause problems.

I went through a bunch of these sites and the things that seemed to come up were:

  1. Conflicts with jQuery. One site had $ defined, but somehow didn't have $.get, so the ajax call broke.
  2. The readability api is sketch, returns http errors fairly often it seems, and we probably would be better off finding a different option (hopefully something we don't have to send an ajax call for. In the meantime, I've had pretty good luck with selection (even for gun.io)
  3. The techcrunch error is interesting. I've run into that problem before, but it is really difficult to debug with local versions of things due to cross origin errors. I think the error is likely a rendering bug due to using fixed positioning. I think if we got rid of spritz_spacer, made spritz_holder have a min-height of 210 and removed the fixed position on spritz_holder that this issue would be fixed. I'm not sure how we should test that though without just pushing to github.

Readability doesn't like this one: http://www.gutenberg.org/files/15250/15250-h/15250-h.htm

works with text selection though.

http://openrules.com/rulelearner.htm doesn't work, I think it is due to request headers and so will not be able to work with this in the form of a bookmarklet:

Failed to load resource: Request header field X-Requested-With is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Headers. https://rawgithub.com/Miserlou/OpenSpritz/master/spritz.html
XMLHttpRequest cannot load https://rawgithub.com/Miserlou/OpenSpritz/master/spritz.html. Request header field X-Requested-With is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Headers. rulelearner.htm:1

I think extensions should be able to get around this problem, I'm posting this here to double check these assumptions (am I right on those two points?).

Oh and of course github due to the content security policy directive, (I'm just including it for completeness sake):

Refused to load the script 'https://miserlou.github.io/OpenSpritz/spritz.js?callback=cb?callback=cb' because it violates the following Content Security Policy directive: "script-src 'self' https://github.global.ssl.fastly.net https://ssl.google-analytics.com https://collector-cdn.github.com https://embed.github.com https://raw.github.com".

Ahhhh, fuck, I think I've been too nice with the pull requests without reviewing. I think this was fixed before but now it's fuxked again. Grr.

Thanks for the bug report.

np, incidentally, it has stopped working completely for me as of today, sometime when the slider bar and play button was added (it will not initialise showing the words). I don't want to add an issue without checking why/whether this problem is reproducible with other people, gonna start digging into it now. btw, you should add a gitter room considering the fast pace of development at the moment.

Yeah, it's just gotten a ton of attention over the past 24h and I've accepted some bad pulls, I think. I'm going to just revert it to a known working state until we can get a dev process sorted out properly.

cool, what are your thoughts on the gitter room? also, as always, thanks for the bookmarklet! 👍

I don't know what gitter is yet.

aggghhhh this is just a side project that has now consumed quite a few hours of my work day. I'll bang on this a few hours tonight but for now I'm going to revert everything to where it was yesterday and then review all of the merges individually.


I'll bang on this a few hours tonight but for now I'm going to revert everything to where it was yesterday and then review all of the merges individually.

accept that you had a very good idea and that people love it! Don't you like all the attention?

Haha, I like clean code more than I like attention and responsibility. And
I have a day job managing https://gun.io, a job which I am currently
neglecting today. Fixes coming tonight.

On Thu, Mar 6, 2014 at 2:49 PM, Bernhard Millauer


I'll bang on this a few hours tonight but for now I'm going to revert
everything to where it was yesterday and then review all of the merges

accept that you had a very good idea and that people love it! Don't you
like all the attention?

Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHubhttps://github.com//issues/8#issuecomment-36947671

Haha, I like clean code more than I like attention and responsibility. And
I have a day job managing https://gun.io, a job which I am currently
neglecting today. Fixes coming tonight.

Alright, I understand your point :)


OpenSpritz doesn't read articles in Pocket; these are already 'mobilized', however the OpenSpritz just sees the Pocket header info and misses the article text completely. Unable to give you a weblink to demo as it requires a login

Amazing! Congratulations,
I would love to see a start, stop ,pause feature and maybe a rewind by a sentence or so.
In any case many thanks for making this work.

Nothing at the rather old-fashioned www.football365.com seems to work. OpenSpritz doesn't respond when speed selected.

Some words are not displayed - at a first glance this happens only to long words (yes, German ...;) )

It doesn't work with the Amazon Cloud Reader (e.g. reading books): http://read.amazon.com/


I'd like to help figure out why it's not working if you can give me a few pointers on how to debug (didn't see anything in the wiki).


Not a problem with the website itself, more than with some special characters.

For example the following sentence:

Diese Atmosphäre wird vor allem mit einer außergewöhnlichen Musik erzeugt.

While the word "Atmosphäre" works, "außergewöhnlichen" does get left out. So issume it's not a problem with umlauts, but with characters like "ß".



Does not work on Firefox 27.0.1 on Windows 7. The reading box is not showing up.


Does not start after selecting the text speed on Firefox 27.0.1 on Windows 7.

Stopped working since release 1.1 appeared in Firefox last night. Does nothing.

same on chrome, something broke, if this is due to ongoing development, shouldn't you have a stable and a master branch to stop these problems always occuring?

Version 1.1 is now working. Thanks! I noticed that on one article, it was repeating the same words as if it got stuck in a loop... but I'm not sure the problem is real since my computer was running slow. Request: Some words come out very long for the eye to catch it. Is it possible to truncate words presented to no more than 13 characters (I read the eye can process up to this number instantly)

Request: Some words come out very long for the eye to catch it. Is it possible to truncate words presented to no more than 13 characters (I read the eye can process up to this number instantly)

Another site not reading at all (even when highlighted): http://www.newyorker.com/online/blogs/currency/2014/03/are-malls-over.html

Firefox 27.0.1 on Mac OS X.

One of the services we use, RawGithub.com, is currently down, which is why
that page (and other currently) are broken. I don't know when this will be
resolved, hopefully soon.

On Sun, Mar 16, 2014 at 2:20 PM, Adam Walsh notifications@github.comwrote:

Another site not reading at all (even when highlighted):

Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHubhttps://github.com//issues/8#issuecomment-37771381

This other digital newspaper does not work as of now.


words not centred on pivot

Reading TED transcripts.

Also, thanks for all the effort you've put into this so far.

Thanks for the great tool. I ran in to this website which cannot be read with openspritz http://www.garlikov.com/philosophy/Sisyphus.html