
Zappa init error: Access is denied (windows)

merlinnaidoo opened this issue · 1 comments

(venv) C:\Users\zappa>zappa init
Access is denied.
(cannot run this to run to get json)

(venv) C:\Users\zappa>zappa
Access is denied.

python -m zappa
C:\Users\merlinn\PycharmProjects\lambdazapptest\venv\Scripts\python.exe: No module named zappa.main; 'zappa' is a package and cannot be directly executed
(the above is understood but thought i should include to help if anything)

python version 3.8. windows 10 with full rights on project folder.

further information ... i have tried using wsl and zappa works except lookout for ensurepip issue. the only way this will work is if you install linux it seems.. please if anyone has solution for this to work on a windows system kindly advise. maybe it some policy preventing zappa to run