
Package size over limit

afcode123 opened this issue · 0 comments


I haven't deployed or built my zappa project in a while and now that I tried to deploy it yesterday the package size was three times larger than before (before: 33MB, and now 91MB), even though I had not made any changes to the project. I am deploying the project with bitbucket pipelines. The only change was that previously I was using virtualenv<=20.7.2 and now I used 20.10.0 so if I change the pipeline's virtualenv install to
pip install virtualenv==20.7.2 everything works correctly again.
I am thinking that it may be because zappa includes .virtualenv folder, since the package contains packages such as panda and numpy which are not in my requirements file.

using image: python:3.7.3
My pipeline looks the following:

      - step:
          deployment: Dev
            - pip
            - pip install virtualenv
            - virtualenv --python=python3 env
            - source env/bin/activate
            - pip install -r requirements.txt
            - zappa update dev

Expected Behavior

Serverless package should be a lot smaller and not contain packages from .virtualenv/

Actual Behavior

Serverless package inlcudes packages that are not in requirements file such as panda and numpy. (Maybe because of virtualenv is included?). Did not happen when using virtualenv==20.7.2 but happens in 20.10.0

Possible Fix

Your Environment

  • Zappa version used:-0.52.0 but happens also in 0.54.1
  • Operating System and Python version: image: python:3.7.3 in bitbucket pipelines
  • Your zappa_settings.json:
  "dev": {
    "aws_region": "us-east-1",
    "django_settings": "project.settings",
    "profile_name": "default",
    "project_name": "<name>",
    "runtime": "python3.7",
    "s3_bucket": "<bucket>",
    "timeout_seconds": 360,
    "api_key_required": true,
    "api_key": "<api key>",
    "cors": true,
    "events": [
        "function": "<function>",
        "expression": "rate(1 hour)"