
et needs ssh's -t option to support running tmux with et

timotheecour opened this issue · 2 comments

ssh -t is useful to force pseudo-terminal allocation, eg:

ssh myhost /pathto/tmux new-session -A -s foo
open terminal failed: not a terminal
ssh -t myhost /pathto/tmux new-session -A -s foo
works, starts or joins tmux
ssh -o RequestTTY=yes myhost /pathto/tmux new-session -A -s foo
also works

what's the equivalent with et?
this didn't work:
et myhost -c "/pathto/tmux new-session -A -s foo"
it prints:

/pathto/tmux new-session -A -s foo; exit
/pathto/tmux new-session -A -s foo; exit

passing this didn't help: --ssh-option -t nor did --ssh-option RequestTTY=yes, nor did --ssh-option RequestTTY=force

this might help with debugging?
et --logtostdout --verbose 9 --ssh-option "LogLevel=DEBUG3,RequestTTY=force"

EDIT: my setup was a bit more complex and i needed a --jumphost host_aux, and what i had tried was:

from macos:

ssh host_aux
then this failed: et myhost -c "/pathto/tmux new-session -A -s foo"
while this worked: `et myhost` followed by `/pathto/tmux new-session -A -s foo`

but this works if I run directly:
et myhost --jumphost host_aux -c "/pathto/tmux new-session -A -s foo"

so there's a valid workaround, feel free to close if remaing bug is bearable