[QUESTION]: How to setup a Warehouse with a Tradestation properly ?
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I would like the know the following:
Like the title, i have a problem. I have a main warehouse where all the station drop their goods to. Now i also want that this warehouse counter supply all the stations with the needed goods. Like lets say "missle components" for my defence station. But i also want that after the supply of my defence stations is done, that all the excess is getting sold. Like lets say my def station need 5000 missle comp. After the Station is full, i want that all the exess is getting dropped into my trade station / is getting directly sold.
Right now i cant supply AND trade. Because sometimes my traders are faster and then there are no supplys for my stations. And if i restrict the "sell all but 1000" the 1000 is laying around and is only used, if i setup it manualy. Any idea how to solve this ?
Thanks in advance !