
cargo emptying log spam

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Now that I know what I'm doing, kind of want to replace the cargo emptying routine with something that prioritizes using the wares in player storage somewhere before trying to sell them to the AI.

Little more detail, something seems to happen with Nostrop Oil in my test save where a ship that has already bought it and is on their way to sell it has the trade cancelled for some reason. An error shows up in the log about "NO CARGO SPACE". Then the ship runs the aiscript again and gets stuck trying to offload the cargo with no buyers available.

I'm wondering if the mule is trying to take nostrop oil to a factory that produces it, and a production cycle fills up the storage. Then the ship is stuck with a cargo full of a ware that's hard to sell a full hold to the AI, so the emptying routine then fails. Only ever seen this happen with food so far. Thinking I'll just dump cargo at the end of the emptying routine for now. Easiest fix for the spam that this produces.

fixed in #54