[SUGGESTION]: please change the 80% FREIGHT LEVEL
Closed this issue · 15 comments
Station Mule, Travel, Distro, Travel, Supply ?
Please make the 80% freighter limit adjustable.
Hello, my freighters are standing around idly most of the time, because they don't reach the 80% freight limit.
I usually use very large freighters (e.g. Shuyaku 69.000 sqm).But for the freighter to find a trade at all, it must be able to load 55.200 sqm of cargo.
But that is very often too much. If not so much can be loaded from the source or the destination does not need so much, no trade is possible. This is true for Travel Mule and Distribution Mule. I'm not sure about Supply Mule right now. I have not used it for this purpose yet.
I can set it in Station Mule (allow low volume), but I can only use Station Mule when I want to distribute goods I produce in the station.
Station Mule will not work for me if the source station is a warehouse. But I often want to distribute goods from the warehouse. So I have to use small freighters. Please add a slider to set the freight limit. 80% is too much for large and very large freighters, so there will always be goods left or the trade will not start at all. This should be adjustable. So that I am more free in the freighter selection.
At the moment I can only use the Mules with small freighters, otherwise they often stop because the freight limit of 80% is not reached. But I would like to use large freighters to transport more freight at once. This is an advantage especially for longer distances.
In general this is only a problem when you're very early in your empire without much stock.
I would suggest using supply mules with max trades set to something like 5 or greater. Max trades has the effect of allowing smaller individual trades.
Distribution mule is not advisable to use; supply mules are superior in pretty much every way. The distirbution mule has problems with two-way trades as the logic there is pretty bad.
But I cannot use Supply Mules, because I cannot select source and destination station there. I would like to transport goods from one of my own warehouses to another of my own warehouses and this with large freighters. But unfortunately this is not possible because of the 80% limit. There are always smaller quantities to be transported. Especially when a faction has to rebuild its economy first. (After great destruction). It takes some time until the factories fill the warehouses again. And with big freighters it goes much faster.
And it is much easier to protect large freighters than many small ones.
I think there are many good reasons to think about the 80% limit.
And it is very tedious to check every time if there is 80% freight and then to select the freighter and to adjust everything again.
Set a supply mule to be assigned to the destination, and set serve source only and player supply only. It will only pick up goods from your own stations, and only deliver them to the station it's assigned to.
I'm not saying no to the 80% limit being configurable, but none of us are very active right now on working on the code, so I want to give you options in the meantime.
ok, too bad. With Supply Mule I can't assign two stations. I want to go from warehouse a to warehouse b. Unfortunately, this is not possible with Supply Mule. Even if I select the destination warehouse, Supply Mule would select any own source and not a specific one. But thanks for your attention anyway.
I have tried it for many hours, but unfortunately without success.
Generally it will select the one with the lowest prices, which corresponds to the one with the most stock.
Yes, i know.
I wanted very simply:
Pack freighter with all goods from warehouse a full and bring it to warehouse b. As long as to warehouse b full and warehouse a empty. And that as fast as possible. And again and again as soon as warehouse a fills up.
Give this another show now I have published v1.6.4 with @bhayden53 Integer fixes.
#96 should also be resolved.
I might add a slider to adjust that if i have some free time in the next days.
In general, the problem is, that there are a couple of different approaches when organizing trade, which can conflict:
- Individual Station Supply/Trade based on stations needs (Supply Mule + Travel Mule, often early game)
- A fixed infrastructure to supply fixed stations with needs (Station Mule + Distribute Mule, often large quantities late game)
In general the AI is a bit outdated on the centralized/fixed approach and is in need of updates.
Sadly we are quite short on time atm, so it will take some time until i can have a deeper look at this.
My initial thoughts are to provide a distribution network UI where you can assign ships to make sure your warehouses are all stocked across your empire, and then use supply mule and travel mules on a local level to distribute goods in sectors.
Station mules could be used to supply individual stations, but i assume they will be largely replaced by supply mules.
#99 (Update v6.1.5 @Galaxy-Spam @bhayden53 @morgenrot68
Has now also been published unto Steam and Nexus
Thank you. It works now and I can adjust the freighter level with the slider, just like I imagined it. At first I thought that it is not possible to adjust the freighter level of the ship with the slider. I must have had a small misunderstanding. At first I thought the slider was adjusting the cargo hold of the destination station. But when I looked at the code, I saw that it referred to the cargo hold of the ship. But after further tests, it turned out that the slider did not work. The Bug is fixed and it works now. Tradeoffers are also found below 80 % cargo level.
Thanks again.
Unfortunately I found a new possible bug and I will open a new bug tracker.