
Unable to set p-pout for pins 23 and 33 on ESP32 ( M5STACK)

jemo07 opened this issue ยท 4 comments

jemo07 commented

Hello Mitch, first of all, thank you for this amazing forth, I can't believe I did not find it until now!

I having an issue with setting up the M5STACK to use it's built in SPI ILI9342/41

This is as far as I got ( well after bouncing on the ESP32 lack of good documentation just to find the registers.)

\ Define GPIO pins
23 constant MOSI_PIN
18 constant CLK_PIN
14 constant CS_PIN
27 constant DC_PIN
33 constant RST_PIN

\ Set GPIO pins as outputs
MOSI_PIN p-out
CLK_PIN p-out
CS_PIN p-out
DC_PIN p-out
RST_PIN p-out

I get the following error:

ok \ Set GPIO pins as outputs
ok MOSI_PIN p-out
E (8381457) gpio: GPIO can only be used as input mode
[8381473][E][esp32-hal-gpio.c:130] __pinMode(): GPIO config failed
ok CLK_PIN p-out
[8381485][E][esp32-hal-gpio.c:102] __pinMode(): Invalid pin selected
ok CS_PIN p-out
ok DC_PIN p-out
E (8381473) gpio: GPIO can only be used as input mode
[8381489][E][esp32-hal-gpio.c:130] __pinMode(): GPIO config failed
ok RST_PIN p-out
[8751271][E][esp32-hal-gpio.c:102] __pinMode(): Invalid pin selected

Did search on the offending code but I don't see the connection ( my limitations in c )
I also uploaded to code to another ESP32, and the same issue ( all build with pio ).

I extracted the following:

GP0 = Pin(0)
GP1 = Pin(1) # TXD1, I/O/T (Input/Output/Touch sensor)
GP2 = Pin(2) # GPIO, ADC2_CH2/T2, I/O/T
GP3 = Pin(3) # RXD1, I/O/T
GP4 = Pin(4) # CS TF Card
GP5 = Pin(5) # GPIO, I/O/T
GP6 = Pin(6)
GP7 = Pin(7)
GP8 = Pin(8)
GP9 = Pin(9)
GP10 = Pin(10)
GP11 = Pin(11)
GP12 = Pin(12) # IIS_SK, ADC2_CH5, I/O/T
GP13 = Pin(13) # IIS_WS, ADC2_CH4/T4, I/O/T
GP14 = Pin(14) # CS
GP15 = Pin(15) # IIS_OUT, ADC2_CH3/T3, I/O/T
GP16 = Pin(16) # RXD2, I/O/T, I/O/T
GP17 = Pin(17) # TXD2, I/O/T
GP18 = Pin(18) # ILI9342C LCD CLK, SCK, I/O/T
GP19 = Pin(19) # MISO TF Card, MISO, I/O/T
GP21 = Pin(21) # SDA, Grove Port-A (Red), IPS306 charging/discharging circuit
GP22 = Pin(22) # SCL, Grove Port-A (Red), IPS306 charging/discharging circuit
GP23 = Pin(23) # MOSI TF Card, ILI9342C LCD MOSI/MISO, MOSI, I/O/T
GP25 = Pin(25) # DAC Pin, connected to speaker, DAC_1, ADC2_CH8, I/O/T
GP26 = Pin(26) # Grove Port-B (Black), DAC/ADC, DAC_2, ADC2_CH9, I/O/T
GP27 = Pin(27) # ILI9342C LCD DC
GP32 = Pin(32) # ILI9342C LCD BL
GP33 = Pin(33) # ILI9342C LDC RST
GP34 = Pin(34) # IIS_IN, ADC1_CH6, I
GP35 = Pin(35) # ADC, ADC1_CH7, I
GP36 = Pin(36) # Grove Port-B (Black), DAC/ADC, I
GP37 = Pin(37) # Button C
GP38 = Pin(38) # Button B
GP39 = Pin(39) # Button A

and for further interest on the M5stack pinout, this can be found here:

Any pointers would be greatly appreciated.

Are you in hex mode when you define the pins? If so, the GPIO numbers are being misinterpreted. I recommend using explicit base prefixes like #23 (decimal) or $23 (hex).

quozl commented

What he said. C Forth defaults to base 16. ;-)

jemo07 commented

Duhhhhhhhh! Thank you...

jemo07 commented

Thank you Mitch and Quozi, correct, will use #(decimal) $(hexadecimal) moving forward, this was my issue and also would explain a strange level of frustration in the last 48h ๐Ÿ‘ Awesome Forth!