
Workflow Git

Jos-Ven opened this issue · 2 comments

Hi Mitch,
I Updated interface.h and extend.c and tried to update them by using:
$ git add src/app/esp8266-rtos/extend.c src/app/esp8266-rtos/interface.h
$ git commit -m "added: esp_clk_cpu_freq esp_set_cpu_freq esp_deep_sleep"
$ git push

The files were updated
On the same page there is a message that tells:
This branch is 1 commit ahead of MitchBradley:WIP

Is this workflow is right and convenient for you to handle the proposed update?

So far so good. The next step is to create a pull request. Start by clicking on the "Pull request" link to the right of "This branch is 1 commit ahead". Describe the benefits / implications of your changes in the "Leave a comment" area, then click on the green "Create pull request" button.

It was no use on my local PC. (msg: Already up to date.)
Then I found and activated a pull at:
I hope it will be alright now.