Feature: Custom DB
Opened this issue · 3 comments
Idea: Select the table and columns that you want to use in the SQL.
For example:
host: localhost
port: 3306
database: Points
table: Players #New option
id_column: user_id #New option
player_column: username #New option
points_column: points #New option
user: root
password: XXXX
use: false
source: YAML
Allowing user defined table, that's easy and can be added in. I'm wondering though, what exactly is the use case for user defined columns within a table?
Im testing a Xenforo web and ive a credits (point system)
Ive used your source code to compile a test playerpoints.jar changing the mysql predefinied. For example:
The table:
playerpoints => xf_user
And the columns:
id => user_id
playername => username
points => credits
Ive changed only these fields in your code to test it in my localserver. Has worked fine but i think that would be great that could be changed easily in the config.yml
Sorry for my English! D:
Honestly, it seems like this is a very specific use case... I might need to take more time to consider doing this when most users will just use the defaults.